
An open, intuitive and playful app

Fonofone for iPad is a sound creation and ensemble music performance tool with limitless potential. It is a constantly renewed source of wonder and creative excitement.


With fonofone, students will develop their musical imagination and creativity, advance their listening capacities, grow in their ability to perform, and strengthen their concentration. They develop this range of skills all while assimilating the fundamental notions of music.

An intuitive approach

The app has been conceived to foster an immediate and intuitive relation with sounds and composition techniques. Only a few minutes of free exploration and the user will discover and intuitively understand how each tool works and its effect on sounds.

Fonofone is also an instrument: thanks to the tactile screen, sounds are transformed in real time by acting directly on each visual shape that represents the app’s tools.

Discover the tools


  • Invent an infinity of new sounds in response to the objectives set by the teacher or for the needs of a collective creation elaborated by the class;
  • Imagine and collectively create a musical narrative inspired by an idea, a scenario (invented or imposed – ex: text, play), an emotion or for a video…


  • By collectively interpreting a piece of music conceived and elaborated together, fonofone will transform the iPad into a chamber music instrument.


  • Appreciate the result: take a critical and analytical look of what has just been played, both in terms of the musical approach and the interpretation quality.
  • Listen and comment musical excerpts linked to the project.


Fonofone is the result of fifteen years of research by composer and pedagogue Yves Daoust and digital craftsman Alexandre Burton, with the assistance of many collaborators, creators and teachers. Read more…